Wednesday 19 August 2009

Well, i've never used my blog before.
Now seems a good time.

Liskula Cohen.
A former Vogue model, and apparently an immature little girl.

So, on this very site, an anonymous blogger calls her "skanky" and a "whore", source.

I must ask, who actually cares what some anonymous person posts on the internet.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Liskula Cohen does. From what i can discern, she very nearly had a fit when she saw this.

Most of us would just ignore this, and move on with our lives.
Not Liskula Cohen.

She went to court in under to unmask this poster, yes, actually went to court over something written on the internet, and i quote ;

"If somebody attacks somebody on the street you're not going to let it go and why should I just ignore it?

"I couldn't find one reason to ignore it."

Well, for one think she's shown she has no grasp of continuous prose.

What this really shows is an immature little girl, who takes every aspect of her life seriously.

Please, get over yourself women. Not only are you a "skanky whore", you're an immature one at that. If this is anything to go by, the mask of anonymousity that comes with the internet is no match for the rage of a fading minor celebrity, who matches someone strongly expressing their opinion, online, as a match for assault on a street.

That's not the best part, and again i quote; "Thank God it was her and she's an irrelevant person in my life".

So, Liskula Cohen, not only do you waste money and time on a trivial matter, you then admit that you couldn't care less about it. What's wrong with you, did your modelling involve being repeatedly dropped on your head?

In all, i've come to the conclusion that Liskula Cohen is a silly, immature little lady who takes everything uber seriously. I wonder if she has links to the SS.

1 comment:

  1. Such a freaken skanky ho. Watch yourself man I am from the government and I ma here to sue you and make you give away your email address. Nice to know what our tax payer dollars are being spent on. So some nappy-headed ho can get a blogger's email address.

    Hope her and her judge freind rot in hell.
